To  Empower Communities, Transform  Lives,  and Create  a  Brighter Future For All 

Providing Food And Learning Materials To An Orphanage Home

On May 24th, 2024, the ElizabethMA Foundation made a heartfelt donation of food items and school materials at the Variety Orphanage Home in Ascension Town, benefiting a total of 48 orphaned children—25 boys and 23 girls. In addition to these generous donations, we also provided a Career Development Training where the children learned to make beaded bracelets, showcasing their creativity and enthusiasm!
Ms. Emmanuella Alicine Claudia Bakarr, the Project Coordinator for this initiative, expressed her joy, stating, “We are delighted to put smiles on the faces of these kids as promised. The outcome was incredibly successful.” She also extended her gratitude to our dedicated CEO and founder, along with the entire staff who contributed to making this event a memorable success.
The head of the Orphanage expressed their gratitude, noting that the foundation is always welcome to visit and support the welfare of the children. One of the children also gave a heartfelt vote of thanks, expressing how grateful they are for the wonderful donation of food, school materials, and training provided by the ElizabethMA Foundation.
We are deeply committed to empowering and supporting our community, and days like this remind us of the impact we can achieve together. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible!


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